The Weekend Scoop

Country Music, Rodeo, Car Show and more!!

Local News and Events in Las Cruces NM with a bit of Spice!

Friday April 19, 2024

Coming to you every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

We search 100’s of local sources so you don’t have to. We try to find the most relevant upcoming events, happenings and news with a positive twist for you.

Note: My apologies for the late arriving newsletter last Wednesday. I was testing something in the software and it delayed it till 9 am so I screwed up. I try to publish at 6 am so you get it at the same time for each edition. Hopefully, I won’t do that again 🙂 

The Weekend Scoop

The Big Event this weekend is this one

Blackhawk, Diamond Rio & NMSU Rodeo

Did you see that Blackhawk and Diamond Rio will be at the Fairgrounds this Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th plus a NMSU Rodeo? Two days packed with live country music, food trucks, roping, and riding with the NMSU Rodeo! Details below in Music Events! 

And there’s more….. check our other events below for more like the Farmers and Crafts Market, Veterans Memorial Car Show, River Kayaking, Comedy Show, a Benefit Celebration for Casa de Peregrinos and a Jazz Festival. Plus a guided Bird Walk, and some plays at the local theaters. Lots of fun things to do in Las Cruces this weekend.

Upcoming Events

2024 Gathering of the Nations Pow Wow - Albuquerque

“There is a magic about the gathering!” It’s time for the Annual Gathering of the Nations Pow Wow in Albuquerque on April 25th - 27th. Flint Carney, a long time friend and member of the Kiowa tribe, said, “The greatest thing about the Gathering of Nations is the respect that is shown to all Native people of the world.” More information

Mira! Las Cruces

Mira! Las Cruces has announced that Grupo Control will be headlining the event on April 27th from 2pm - 9pm. They are also looking for volunteers to help with the event. Click the image below for more information.

Note: Mira! Las Cruces will be on Saturday April 27th downtown so the Farmers & Crafts Market will be moved to Sunday April 28th.

Been to any local events? Share some photos with us 🙂 Tag us on Facebook or Instagram @lascrucesdirectory

Got a local event that you want to share with us? Just reply to this email or Contact Us at LasCrucesDirectory




Friday, April 19th

  • Borderland Storytellers - Stahmann Farms | Milton Hall Room 106 NMSU | April 19 | 3 pm | 2915 McFie Cir #121, Las Cruces, NM, 88003 | KRWG Public Media “Borderland Storytellers” television taping highlighting the personal stories and rich history of Stahmann Farms.

Saturday, April 20th

  • Veterans Memorial Car Show | Casa Autoplex | Saturday April 20th | Doors open at 7 am | 470 W. Boutz Las Cruces | Trophies! Door Prizes! Live Music! FREE to spectators. In Memory of 1st Sgt Richard Lewis.

  • Las Cruces Farmers and Crafts Market | Downtown Las Cruces | Saturday April 20th | 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM |

  • River Kayaking Class 101 | Southwest Expeditions | Saturday April 20th | 9 am - 2 pm | La Llorona Park | Tickets Needed $60-140 | Bring your own Kayak or Kayaks Provided. Click the link for details or call 877-808-6877

  • Smoking the Bear Comedy Show | Picacho Peak Brewery | Saturday April 20th | 6 pm | 3900 W. Picacho, Las Cruces | Get ready to roll with laughter at Smoking the Bear Comedy Show for a hilarious evening filled with brews and jokes.

  • Free Line Dancing Lessons | Amaro Winery | Saturday April 20th | 7 pm - 8:30 pm | 402 S Melendres St, Las Cruces | Held Every 3rd Saturday - Beginners and Experts Enjoy the Fun.

  • Casa de Peregrinos Arroz y Frijoles 45th Anniversary Celebration & Benefit | Las Cruces Convention Center | 680 E University Ave | 5 pm | We're fixin' to tip our hats to Arroz y Frijoles (that's rice and beans for y'all city slickers) prepared by four of the finest chefs this side of the Rio Grande. Benefit to support Casa de Peregrinos and to celebrate our roots, honor our journey, and round up funds for our programs that keep 39,463 folks fed each year.

  • Exhibit Opening: Vivid Landscapes | New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum | Saturday April 20th | 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm | Meet the artist Jerry Hernandez and see his New Mexico's timeless beauty, captured in stunning oil paintings. Exhibit runs through August 4th.

  • LTC Spring Market | Little Toad Creek | Saturday April 20th | 4-6 pm | 119 N Main, Las Cruces | Spring Market with staff & local vendors on our Back Patio!

  • National Poetry Month Reading with poet Linda Malm | Barnes & Noble | Saturday April 20th | 1 pm | Linda Malm will be reading from her debut poetry collection, "Winded from the Chase," with a book signing to follow.

Sunday, April 21th

  • Spring Market | The Bean on Mesquite | Sunday April 21st | 10 am - 1:30 pm | Local Vendors and everything from lemonade and smoothies to fresh baked goods, to handmade jewelry! 

Wednesday, April 24th

  • Wednesday Walk with a Ranger | Fort Selden Historic Site | Wednesday April 24th | 9 am - 10 am | 1280 Fort Selden Rd, Radium Springs, NM |$5 per adult. Children <16 years old & Seniors over 60 free | 575-526-8911 |

Friday, April 26th

  • Showcase of Homes Tour by LCHBA | April 26 | 4 pm - 7 pm | Tour directions - Digital and Print Copies - will be available April 25th.

Saturday, April 27th

  • Mira! Las Cruces | Second Annual Event | Downtown Las Cruces | April 27th | 2 pm - 9 pm | Grupo Control headlines this event. This FREE spring festival highlights the art and culture, cuisine, outdoor recreation and the sights and sounds that make Las Cruces, NM and its surrounding communities one of a kind.

  • Las Cruces Farmers & Crafts Market | Update: No market Today Saturday, April 27th because of Mira! but there will be a Special Sunday Market from 8:30 am - 1 pm on April 28th.

  • Showcase of Homes Tour by LCHBA | April 27 | 10 am - 5 pm | Tour directions - Digital and Print Copies - will be available April 25th.

  • La Viña Spring Wine Festival 2024 | April 27th-28th | Noon - 7 pm | 4201 NM-28, Anthony, NM 88021 | Tickets $25 | Over 20 wines will be available for tasting and purchase.

  • Car Show - Sisbarro Spring Fest Showdown | April 27th | 9 am - 1 pm | Sisbarro Buick GMC | 425 W Boutz Rd, Las Cruces | Car Show, Food Trucks, Live Music, Kids Corner, Bounce Houses, Raffle Giveaway

Sunday, April 28th

  • Showcase of Homes Tour by LCHBA | April 28 | 12 pm - 5 pm | Tour directions - Digital and Print Copies - will be available April 25th.

  • La Viña Spring Wine Festival 2024 | April 27th-28th | Noon - 7 pm | 4201 NM-28, Anthony, NM 88021 | Tickets $25 | Over 20 wines will be available for tasting and purchase.

  • Las Cruces Farmers and Crafts Market Special Date | Downtown Las Cruces | Sunday April 28th | 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM | Special Event Moved Held today instead of Saturday because of Mura! event on Saturday.


Wednesday, May 01

  • Wednesday Walk with a Ranger | Fort Selden Historic Site | Wednesday May 1st | 9 am - 10 am | 1280 Fort Selden Rd, Radium Springs, NM | $5 per adult. Children <16 years old & Seniors over 60 free | 575-526-8911 |

Friday, May 3th

Saturday, May 4th

  • Cinco de Mayo Fiesta | Mesilla Plaza | May 04 | 12 pm - 6 pm + |
    Live Mariachis & Ballet Folklorico All Weekend

  • Showcase of Homes Tour by LCHBA | May 04 | 10 am - 5 pm |

  • Kayaking, Night Skies & Native Storytelling | Southwest Expeditions | Caballo Lake | Saturday May 4th | 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Tickets $75 Up | Celestial evening with kayaks on beautiful Caballo Lake. Enchantingly FUN, Native American & Greek night sky interpretation.

Sunday, May 5th

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Friday, April 19th

Saturday, April 20th

Sunday, April 21th

Wednesday, April 24th

  • 575 Band Acoustic | Picacho Hills Country Club | Wednesday April 24 | 5 pm - 8 pm | Open to the Public | 6861 Via Campestre, Las Cruces, NM 88007 |

Friday, April 26th

Friday, April 27th

  • Dusty Low | Rio Grande Winery | 6-9 pm | Live Music

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

Carl Bard



Friday, April 19th

  • CPI's Annual Spring Plant Sale | by The Chile Pepper Institute | Fabian Garcia Research Center | April 19 | 9 am - 5 pm | 119 W University Ave, Las Cruces, NM 88005 | We will have a variety of plant “starts” for the home gardener. Chiles, tomatoes, squash, herbs & flowers!


Friday, May 17th

  • 24th Annual Blessing of the Fields | New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum | Friday May 17th | 10 am | 4100 Dripping Springs Road, Las Cruces | Free | The New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum will celebrate an old tradition with the annual Blessing of the Fields with a colorful procession around the Museum grounds begins with the blessing the animals, plants, and acequia.


April 19

JOHN SINGER SARGENT: PAINTING MADAME X | Doña Ana Arts Council | 230 S. Water Street, Las Cruces | Friday April 19th | 6 pm - 7:15 pm | Tickets $20-25 | This is a unique opportunity to witness the life of an artist (John Sargent), written and performed by a local artist Bob Diven.

April 19-28th

The Addams Family: A New Musical Comedy | A comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family. “This is a show about family, about love” | Mark and Stephanie Medoff Theatre in the ASNMSU Center for the Arts, 1000 E. University Ave. | Thursday April 18th 5:30 pm | Friday April 19th 7:30 pm | Saturday April 20th 7:30 pm | Friday April 27th 7:30 pm | Saturday April 28th 2 pm |
Tickets and Info

April 19th - May 5th

  • In The Next Room or The Vibrator Play | No Strings Black Box Theatre | 430 N. Main, Las Cruces | Fridays April 19, 26 and May 3. Saturdays April 20, 27 and May 4. Sundays April 28 and May 5. Thursday May 2 | A comedy about marriage, intimacy, and electricity.

April 26th & 27th

  • Antigone | A Children’s Theatre of Mesilla Valley | Friday, April 26th @ 7:00 pm & Saturday, April 27th @ 1:00 pm | 211 N. Main St., Las Cruces | Tickets $10-12 | ACT is a great place for children and young adults to begin exploring and/or continue stage-acting, go behind the scenes with film-making, learn about how light and sound effects are made, and much more!!!



Saturday, April 20th

  • Sierra Club Hike & Picnic | by Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks | April 20 | 10:30 am - 12:30 pm | BLM archeologist Garrett will lead a hike to La Cueva.

  • Wildlife Wonders: Bird Bonanza (Part 1) | Asombro Institute for Science Education | April 20 | 9 am - 12 pm | Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, 56501 North Jornada Road, Las Cruces | Go on a guided bird walk, meet local experts, and participate in family-friendly activities.

Monday, April 22nd

April 24th-28th

The Social Scene

If we see a post on social media that stands out we just have to share. Tag us on social or email us to share your photo for consideration.

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Thanks for reading Live Love Las Cruces today. If you found something useful in our newsletter please help us grow and share with your family and friends. We sure appreciate it if you do.

Made with ❤️ and lots of Coffee 😃 

Expect to get our newsletter every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and an occasional special edition. Please contact us with local events, music, and any news of interest. If you would like to sponsor our newsletter or advertise in it just contact me for more information. Contact Charlie or just reply to this newsletter and it will get to me.



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